6:00AM Weekdays I began my exercise program at the age of 27 –out of shape. At a friend’s insistence, I attended her spa and took an exercise class. To be honest, it almost killed me. […]
6:00AM Weekdays I began my exercise program at the age of 27 –out of shape. At a friend’s insistence, I attended her spa and took an exercise class. To be honest, it almost killed me. […]
10:00 AM Saturdays Mary Beth Oxendine thought her world had come to an end when her life partner, love of her life, and best friend passed away suddenly four years ago. Tom was her precious […]
WEEKDAYS 1:30PM Doug Kaufmann’s mission is to counsel both lay and professional audiences on achieving optimum health by avoiding poisonous fungal byproducts, called “mycotoxins.” Unbeknownst to most healthcare providers, humans are exposed to these […]
FRIDAYS 4:00PM Dr. Mitch has 38 years of experience in anti-aging and holistic and integrative medicine. Along with his work in nutritional medicine, “Dr. Mitch” has a remarkable amount of experience as an expert clinician […]
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