Wednesdays 11:30AM

Dr. Esther Shekher’s messages are based on her book, “All the Commandments of Christ” which is a checklist of Jesus’ Commandments from the Gospels of Matthew and John. These commandments are in an extremely simplified tabular form very clearly highlighting the rewards for obedience and consequences of disobedience to the commandments of Christ.

Her TV programs which will be aired are based on the Commandments on various topics of Christian faith given in my book, namely, Anger, Unforgiveness, Adultery, Christ’s righteousness, Discipleship, Youth, Children, Marriage, Divorce, For Pastors and Believers.

The Lord has promised and specifically instructed Dr. Shekher to teach His commandments, as Ezra did which will bring revival & restoration to America – for it is the Great Commission of Christ, i.e. – “Teach all that I have commanded you. If you Love Me, obey My Commandments” – Jesus. {Matt.28:18-20 ; Jn. 14:15}

It is important in these last days that believers and non-believers alike understand the importance of obeying God’s Commandments to make it to Heaven.