9:30PM Tuesdays
Kings Mountain Family Worship Center is a church-body affiliated with the Church of God (Cleveland, TN). The Church of God is the oldest continuing Pentecostal church body in existence. FWC makes no apologies for being Pentecostal in its expression and practice, holiness in its lifestyle (without the legalism long associated with that message), and a unique blend of traditional and contemporary in its worship.
In October, 2004, power and praise became a flood of the Holy Spirit through the congregation and the move of the Holy Spirit continues. The move of the Holy Spirit is characterized by souls saved, sanctified and baptized with Holy Ghost. Many have been healed, delivered and richly blessed. We continue to pursue the presence of God to inhabit our sanctuary and worship. There is much left to do and time is short. Come be a part of what God is doing. And if that is not possible, pray that we will not fail to follow the cloud of God’s glory.